Othman bin Hj. Ahmad

P.O.Box 1499
Sandakan, Sabah 90008

VISITORS NO: ; Statistics at Nedstat Counter


education, telecom, lecturing at ntu, publications, software


I am highly academically qualified, getting full honours in all examinations taken from school days to university. Since 1981 experienced and trained in maintaining, installing, designing, demand forecasting and marketing all types of telecommunications in urban and rural areas. With university experience as a student and lecturer, in computer hardware and system software designs, highly imaginative theoretical papers published, using and setting up of internet communication and submission of public domain software distributions.

Despite my exposure to research and academic excellence, my main interest is still with customer satisfaction, no matter how low the technology appears to be. Simplicity and integrity is the best policy, which had guided me in my academic experience as well.

I train my people and understand their limitations. They must be trained first before being allowed to work by themselves and constantly monitored but not obstructed. They are allowed to excel in whatever they are good at, even if it means losing them, after being trained by me. We work through people so as to be more productive, and they are always welcomed to propose ideas to make it even better. Openness to people and suggestions is the key.

Efficient handing of contractors is important. We train and distribute jobs based on their capabilities. Our practical results cannot be achieved without co-operating with them.

Integrity and honesty cannot be compromised. I had observed many skilled personnel and companies fail because they take these aspects lightly.

Name: Othman Ahmad

Date of birth: 5th of October 1958

Main interest: Telecommunication and Computer technological applications to improve customers' quality of life.

Professional: Member of IEE, Chartered Engineer. Chosen to be an IEE interviewer in 1997. 

Marital status: Married with 5 children.



 (M.Sc. in Information Technology at University of Edinburgh, 1986)

Courses in VLSI design and fabrication, Computer Science basics. Projects include LSI full custom design and fabrication of 4-bit up-down counter using 5 micron NMOS process which actually works as specified but only tested to 1 Mhz. Failed at 2 Mhz. Semi-custom design using IMP high level language of a programmable oscillator which did not work satisfactorily. Writing of compiler for a block type language for a hypothetical drill machine, and Single board DSP computer.

 B.Sc.(First Class Honours) in Electronic Engineering at City University,1978-1981. Specialising in Computer and Communication engineering. The only one in the course to obtain First Class Honours in the last few years and received commendations at the 1st and 2nd years for excellent examination results.

 AEB and University of London GCE A level at Swansea College of Further Education, Swansea, Wales, United Kingdom, 1977-1978. 4As and 1B grades in one year for a normally 2-year course.

Cambridge School Certificate, at Sung Siew Secondary School, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia, 1972-1976. Got A1 for Maths, Additional Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology, A2 for English, B3 for Geography, C6 for Bahasa Malaysia. Recognised as the best student in Sabah. Probably the best during Junior High School as well.


Date: July 1997 to Present

Tittle: Manager Customer Access Network Development

Place: Telekom Malaysia

Brief: Design and implement subscriber copper and fibre optic networks.

Achievement: Designing and implementing the most SDH DLC percentage-wise nation-wide, managed to demonstrate the ability to install ISDN lines anywhere because we already have the ability to install FTTS/SDH/ISDN equipment ourselves as well as extending ISDN lines through our long-distance junction lines.

The first unit in Malaysia to complete the replace and upgrade of microwave- based rural telecommunication equipment.

Manage to install ISDN remote extenders in just 3 days by our own personnel. 

Date: July 1995 to July 1997 Duration: 2 years

Tittle: Head Local Network Implementation, Tawau and Sandakan.

Place: Telekom Malaysia

Brief: Implement subscriber copper and fibre optic networks.

Achievement: This unit is the best in target achievement in the company, nation-wide, in 1996. Commissioned the first 2 FTTS networks in Sabah and a 107-km SDH FTTS fibre on the pole, with direct buried armoured cable backup.

Still the best in physical installation of lines nation-wide in 1997 and 1998. 

Date: Sep 1994 to July 1995 Duration: 3/4 year

Tittle: Manager Integrated Network Planning, Program monitoring

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Brief: Assigned to monitor progress of planning and implementation of telecommunication projects and infrastructures for the whole state of Sabah(population of 1.5 million, 28,388 sq. miles in area). Can be assigned any special jobs such as co-ordinator of the first 2 RILL(or WILL), radio in the local loop systems out of 4 in the whole country.


My unit has the best target achievement in the company, nation-wide. Solved a major technical fault but actually more operation and marketing problems. Subsequently, personally involved in direct selling of these products especially in Labuan and successfully installed all available capacity in just 1 month of my unit's involvement.

Also vindicated the work on demand forecast for Semporna, another site, where although waiter applicants are only 35, managed to install all the 400 radio sets supplied, and more than 200 unsatisfied applications. Representing a 50% growth in customers, in just a few weeks.

Date: April 1994 to Sep 1994 Duration: 1/4 year

Tittle: Manager Integrated Network Planning, East Coast

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Brief: Fundamental plan, business plan and budget approvals for all telecommunication projects and infrastructure for the East Coast of Sabah. In addition, submit business plan and budget proposal for 2 RILL systems, as well as being involved in the site survey and proposals.

Plan for the implementation of SDH optic fibre loops in the major commercial centres and major new radio sites to serve the more sparsely populated areas in the mainly rural East Coast of Sabah, to be used by RILL(Radio in the Local Loop) and mobile radio base stations, by doing radio path studies on topography maps. All the time comparing alternative technology for cost effectiveness and speed of delivery.

Achievement: The longest SDH subscriber optic fibre loop was approved and implemented at Lahad Datu to Felda Sahabat, 107 km long.

Date: Mar 1993 to Apr 1994 Duration: 1 year

Tittle: Manager Rural Network

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Brief: Co-ordinate and monitor rural projects for Sabah. Prepare also a fundamental plan into a blue book for all districts.


Successfully implemented the detailed fundamental areas by splitting the major districts of Sabah into important copper centres and propose technology options, including RILL, FTTS(fibre to the street), DRS(digital remote switch) and satellite, based on topographical maps and population distribution data, for the most cost effective and speed of delivery.

The data are accepted into our official demand forecast without any modification except for the growth patterns, causing a revolution. The demand for Semporna, was verified when RILL was installed there.

Also submitted an SCPC/DAMA satellite system proposal for Sabah.


Date: Mar 1990 to Feb 1993 Duration: 3 years

Tittle: Lecturer

Place: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 


Lectures System software such as assemblers, macros, loaders and linkers. Also involved in Computer Engineering courses and introduce a project for third year students to build a stand-alone 286-based computer.

Research interests were design of computer graphic computer based on TMS34020, FPGA design using XILINK and ISDN terminal adapters Also involved in setting up and patching shared networked X-Window based 386bsd Unix OS for personal computers.

Submitted software in SIMTEL20 archives:,, and packages for 386bsd namely the first gcc C compiler version 2.2.2 for 386bsd, earlier than Linux versions. Also submitted a universal configuration file for X Windows and a single 3.5-in floppy disk X Window system.

Actively participate in student industrial attachment programs where 2 students managed to win the top prize for this industrial attachment program in 1993, and managed to help students to modify a public domain BIOS sources for an industrial tester. Guided a group of students to port graphics program to MS Windows, using GinoF sources written by a colleague.

Papers published as principal authors:

1)Quantitative Measure of Intelligence, ICCS/ISITA '92,16-20 Nov 1992, Singapore

The first truly scientific measurement of intelligence based on Information theory, compared to Turing and IQ tests, that are very subjective and do not separate knowledge from intelligence.

2)Bit Level Parallelism- The Ultimate?, Parallelogram Sep 1992.

An example on the application of my Intelligence theory, published in (1).

 Published as co-authors:

1)Design of an ISDN terminal adaptor, International Conference on 'Data Transmission', IEE Savoy Place, London, 23-25 September 1992

 2)An Object-Oriented Graphics Toolkit, The EEE Journal, July 1991 Volume 3 Number 1, Nanyang Technological University

3)Design of an ISDN terminal adaptor, Proceedings of the 1991 Singapore International Conference on Networks, Sep 5-6, 1991, Singapore

Date: Sep 1989 to Feb 1990 Duration: 3/4 year

Tittle: Unit Leader in Long Lines Development

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Brief: Responsible for demand forecasting and installation of radio equipment which includes Mobile radio base stations, microwave stations and accessories, VHF ship-to-shore, FM and PCM multiplex equipment and Rural radio telephones. 


Successfully detected and prevented wasteful microwave station specifications.

Managed to increase ATUR RBS which finally removed all congestion without excessive cost.

Write and implement a multi-user Dbase IV programs for Capital Expenditure programs with record locking.


Date: Sep 1987 - Aug 1989 Duration: 2 years

Tittle: Telecom Engineer, Switching Operations

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Brief: Maintain and demand monitoring of telephone switching exchanges of types Step-by-step, Cross-bar and SPC digital, in Sandakan.

Achievement: Managed to reduce call loss and congestion by utilising all available junction channels including activating direct routes.

Date: 1st February 1987 to 6th September 1987 Duration: 3/4 year

Tittle: Telecom Engineer, Research Division

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur

Pioneer in setting up a research and development division. Worked with lecturers at University Technologi Malaysia to develop a telex box. This project, was well regarded by top management.


Date: 28th July 1981 - 31st January 1987 Duration: 5 years

Tittle: Telecom Engineer, Radio operations

Place: Telekom Malaysia, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Maintenance and minor installations of all types of radio communication, including mobile radio base stations equipment except satellite equipment. Also involved in Dbase database management programs which are used by marketing to successfully detect defaulters. Co-operated in installing the first walkie-talkie equipped telephone maintenance teams in Malaysia.



Everywhere I go, I have created revolutions. In our conservative society, to make it accepted is not easy, and requires patience and I have succeeded in getting them approved. My aggressive style with lots of initiative may have cost me my career prospect, but this is not my main objective. The customers are my most important objectives. I'm easily satisfied with material wealth that I have but not with challenging prospects and authority to do more. I have survived political battles to get my ideas through, ideas and results stolen, but humanity in general should benefit. I'm also willing to share and compare my styles and techniques with anyone, provided honesty and integrity is not compromised.